| 360-779-1223

Web Design in Flash and Html

For our web-work, we achieve simple, elegant, Search-Engine-Friendly designs meeting high standards in both graphical presentation, and code. We can incorporate animated logos, widgets, and games, or build sites entirely in Flash for clients desiring a more fluid, active interface and user-experience. We can handle all of your website needs, from domain name registration and hosting to web site design, implementation, and maintenance.

We also use our skills to design frameworks for other types of interactive software, like training modules, safety courses and product teasers. Click the links on the right to preview our work, and click the images to review a full site.

Home Grown OrganicsHome Grown Organics

This site is a custom built flash module and allows for the client to access and update data without advanced knowledge or tools. In this way, the client can make changes and add or swap images without having to pay for expensive development time.

The B.I.Cycle Shop on Bainbridge Island WashingtonB-I-CYCLE

On this site, we worked with the client through the enitre development process, and provided much of the copy writing for initial launch. The site is built on the Wordpress Blog software, utilizing a custom theme. We also included a data-driven slideshow / media presentation section that is client updateable, and will offer a variety of video, photo, and animated advertisements & presentations.

Dwelling-Shed cost effective, efficient, and beautifull living spaces.Dwelling-Shed

In this case, the client needed a simple, elegant portfolio for presenting their projects in a trade show environment.

Sabo Designs Jewelry Website created by Talking Box MediaSabo Designs Jewelry

On this project, Talking Box Media facilitated the client through the entire process of brand creation, designing logo, hang-tag, and business cards, and building a crisp, professional site to showcase products to potential wholesalers, and retailers.

Brian Berman SculptureBrian Berman Sculpture

Talking Box Media created a showcase site for sculptor Brian Berman utilizing a clean, professional interface built in FLASH.

Cherry Design & BuildCherry Design & Build.

Talking Box Media created a dynamic portfolio site using XML and flash that allows the client to swap out content with no additional help from their developers.
Need to showcase your work, or a product?

Bell and Reed Instrument RepairBell and Reed

TBM designed and coded this site with Search Engine Optimization in mind, using a mixture of css styling, and slideshow presentation.

RasaYana Yoga CenterPure Rasa Yoga

Talking Box Media designed and developed an elegant and user friendly website for our client, that captures the essential aspects of their brand.


Grey Design Studio websiteGrey Design Studio

Working with a pre-existing design, created by Christine Castigliano of Metatoggle, we implemented a new slideshow system with online "drag & drop" content management, and database capability. Thus allowing the client to update and manage the image content.

Linda Wolf PhotographyLinda Wolf Photography

Talking Box Media created a dynamic slideshow driven portfolio site. This site includes an online management system for updating and modifying portfolios.

wccda websiteWCCDA

TBM was hired to add a professional looking intro, and build media presentation into this site designed by Noise Without Sound and coded in conjuction with the web guru's at Moff Interactive. One example of our ability to work in a team-environment. The intro was written in action-script using the FUSE component group.

Songwriting Works Non Profit Website, created by Talking Box MediaSongWriting Works.

TBM incorporated FLASH animation into a robust css design layout to help accomodate the clients vision of color and variety across a large site. How well does your site capture the feeling of your business, or organization?

Teen Talking Circles Non-Profit Website exampleTeen Talking Circles

Working with designer Christine Castigliano of Metatoggle, Talking Box Media handled the coding, animation, and back-end setup for this non-profit website.

Don Kotts Gallery ExampleDon Kotts Marine Artist.

TBM can work with smaller business entities to create affordable attractive web sites. We have a number a low cost alternatives that will work with small sized businesses and individuals. Call us for an estimate today!

Clear Shot commercial website created by Talking Box MediaClearShot Lens Cleaning

Talking Box Media utilized the existing Brand material to create an informational website for this client, then added back-end database features to allow dealers to login, order, download advertising materials etc.

Shock Blocker Insoles Commercial Website created by Talking Box MediaShockBlocker Insoles

Talking Box Media helped create a site for selling this product that effectively entices the user, and also provides quick easy access to the information.

Pivotal Product ManagementPivotal Product Management

TBM worked with PPM to create a flash animated advertisment for their new online training systems. Click the image to view this ad!

montageVariety is the Spice.

As well as designing and coding our own material, we have provided support for other developers and designers in coding web-sites, and producing interactive quizes, games, logos, slide-shows and portfolios.

Goat Girl Music ExampleGoatgirl Music.

TBM develops websites for artists that are affordable and creative. We will help you create a site that you can easily update and one that will capture your artistic vision.


In many cases, Talking Box Media helps clientele build out sites designed by other graphic artists, in this case Ethan May. Helping clients understand that small design choices, and additions can have a great impact on the cost of developing a website allows us to remain on budget, while achieving the desired results in layout and functionality